poniedziałek, 23 stycznia 2017

Dog Training Midlothian TX – The Balanced Canine DFW

Dog Trainer, Matt Morris

Teaching the “place” command to Maggie, using clicker and food. This exercise teaches her in a positive way to eventually learn how to stay on her place for several hours. You’ll notice that in not talking to her at first, other than marking the behavior with a “good” and giving the release command, “break.” A name shouldn’t be given to a command until they are performing it consistently. After a while, I add the name of the command, which is “place.” I, then, challenge her a little by walking away a few steps. If she comes off, I give her a light correction with leash pressure and say “no.” I give no reward after that. You’ll notice that she self corrects, which means she understands the command. Later, we will layer the e-collar on top of the command to ensure a nice, solid place command.

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